Sunday, January 11, 2015

Varner Everyday 2015 Week 1

Our first week in January was an eventful one!
On Thursday we went to the Dillard's sale and it was crazy!  I tried to warn Brian how it would be, but he didn't believe how crazy women can get when it comes to a good sale. 
Our first run together in the new was cold. 
I was so sad to take down all my Christmas decorations. :(
Since I took down the Christmas decorations, I had to put up the next holiday decor...Valentine's Day. 
On Monday, while I was watching the Bachelor everyone else was in Drew's room watching Brian play Final Fantasy.
On Tuesday, we got our wedding video!!!! Hitched film did such a wonderful job capturing the day for us.
The low's this week have been in the low 20's, why not eat our favorite ice cream!
Friday night Drew had a friend over so we played Bean Boozle. If you've never heard of this game, the premise is you spin to find out which color jelly bean you get to eat.  The catch is it will either be a good tasting one or a horrible one. For instance, if you land on orange it could be peach or barf! This game is a lot of fun, if you can handle the horrible flavors.

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